Mistakes can often be made when changing your own car battery.
Car batteries can generally last for five years provided they are given proper maintenance. Its longevity is however also dependent on other factors such as the climate, the vehicles operation, how you use your vehicle (start regularity & distance travelled). Overcharging or undercharging the battery can also cause premature failure.
Before you consider doing it yourself, think of the following :
Do I have the necessary safety gear ?
Am i strong enough to lift the battery out and a new on in ?
Am I technically savvy to complete this ?
Do I have the necessary tools and devices ?
Am i prepared to accept the consequences if things go wrong ?
Is it just easier to get it done by the experts ?
Firstly, using a voltmeter, test the battery voltage, then start the car and test that the alternator is charging the battery correctly. Often people replace a battery due to a faulty alternator. If you have decided that it is your battery, then ensure you have a memory minder that ensures your vehicle retains its electronics and data before removing the old battery. The biggest risk with changing over a car battery is when trying to disconnect the dead battery in the wrong order. Before changing your car battery, you should ensure that the new battery you are replacing it with is fully charged. Then start with disconnecting the negative cable first followed by the positive cable. Undo any of the hold down clamps/brackets and ensure they are well clear of the battery terminals to avoid an accidental short. Be very careful not to drop or misplace the nuts. Lift the dead battery by removing it in an upright position. This is to prevent its acidic solution from leaking out. Respect the weight of the product when lifting as often its in an awkward position and can easily cause an injury to your back or hands. Place the old battery in a safe place to avoid contact with acid residue. You can then place the new battery at the position of the former one.
So wouldn't it be easier to just just call into the Battery Kingdom in Heatherbrae and get your vehicle electrics tested to ensure the correct solution is provided.......and without getting your hands dirty ! We can also dispose of your old battery safely and environmentally friendly for free.